Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Capitalization of Word

Some Rules of the Capitalization of Word

Rules 1. The First word of a sentence
 * When he tells a joke, he sometimes forgets the punch line.

Rule 2. The Pronoun "I"
 * The last Time I visited Altlanta was several years ago

Rules 3. Proper nounes
  The names of specific people, place, organizations and sometimes things
 * Worrill Fabrication Company
 * Golden Gate Brige
 * Supreme Court

Rules 4. Family relationship when used as proper names
 * Here is a present I bought for Mother

Rules 5. The Names of God, specific deities, religious figures, and holy books
 * God the father
 * Moses
 * Zeus

 Rules 6. Titles preceding names, but not titles that follow names
 * Halloween
 * October
* Friday
* Winter

Rules 7. Trademarks
 * Pepsi
 * Honda
 * IBM

Rules 8. The major words in the titles of books, articles, and songs but not short prepositions or the articles "the, in, a, an" if they are not the first word of the title.
  * One of Jerry's favorite books is "The Catcher in the Rye"

Rules 9. Names of the countries, nationalities, and specific languages.
 * Costa Rica
 * English

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